
9 April 2014

Drive in cinema at Alexandra Palace

I've always fancied a trip to a drive-in cinema. It looks so fun, so romantic (and yes, so cheesy) when you see it in films and on the TV.

So when I heard that Rooftop Cinema Club were bringing drive-in cinema to Alexandra Palace, I had to go. After much deliberation, The Boy and I chose to see Back To The Future, a cinematic classic which I am ashamed to admit I had never seen until this momentous occasion. The Boy insisted it was perfect fodder for a drive-in cinema experience, and so the stage was set for a rainy Monday night.

Rain did not stop play. (The film didn't start until 8pm, when it was darker than this).

When you see drive-in cinemas in films, they are always set in hot, rainless countries, mainly America, where everyone had a roofless car. In Britain, it's a very different story, so the sound is played at a certain frequency, which everyone tunes into on their car radio.

The Boy is chuffed with snacks (Ally Pally in the background).
Unfortunately the rain meant that we had to have the windscreen wipers going almost constantly throughout the film. Despite this minor, unavoidable grievance, it was an enjoyable experience, and a very comfortable way to watch a film; you can wind your seat back as far as you want, you can chat in your car without disturbing other cinemagoers (and, most importantly, they don't disturb you).

The cost for this particular drive-cinema experience in £22 per car, regardless of how many people are in the car. Whilst it's nice that they charge per car rather than per person, I imagine it would be uncomfortable/difficult for any backseat passengers to get a good view of the film.

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